Hello world, here I am! I feel like now it the very best time to do this, it's almost like all the nearly there jobs that have gone before have been leading up to this point.
I have never taken the time to focus consistently on building a portfolio, and putting my ideas onto a page or screen. To making something tangible that I have designed. Giving real attention to my passion projects has not been a priority but over the last month and during downtime at Christmas I picked up an idea, ran with it and I haven't stopped since. I couldn't be any happier. I also rediscovered the joy in holding a pencil and I'm drawing, Kerry circa 1999 drawing. It's so freeing. I'm loving the creative release and it's taken me years to get it back so I'm holding on to it tightly, all the while keeping my mind and eyes open. I can't wait to fill up my new website with original pieces of work and to watch my designer's eye evolve in front of me.